--- title: "Examples and Recipes" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Examples and Recipes} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = T, comment = "#>") options(tibble.print_min = 5) library(dplyr) library(ipaddress) ``` This vignette demonstrates some typical example usage and recipes when learning about ipaddress. ## Addresses from integers Although IPv4 addresses are usually displayed in a human-readable format (e.g. ``), they are often saved to disk as integers to reduce storage requirements. R is unable to store the entire range of IPv4 addresses in its integer data type, but they can instead be stored in its numeric data type. More details are found under `help("ip_to_integer")`. Given this, it's quite possible that you'll receive IPv4 addresses represented as integers, and we'll want to convert them to the `ip_address()` vector type. Here's an example of how to do that: ```{r} integer_to_ip(c(0, 3232235521, 4294967295)) ``` ## Networks from address ranges There are multiple equivalent ways to represent an IP network: 1. start address + prefix length (e.g. CIDR notation) 2. start address + netmask 3. start address + hostmask 4. start address + end address Although the `ip_network()` function can handle the first 3 options, we use the `common_network()` function for the final option. ```{r} tibble( start = ip_address(c("", "2001:db8::")), end = ip_address(c("", "2001:db8::ffff:ffff:ffff")) ) %>% mutate(network = common_network(start, end)) ``` Note that this approach assumes the two addresses do actually correspond to the first and last addresses of the network, otherwise an expanded network will be returned (see `help("common_network")` for details). ## Is an address in a network? A very common task is to check if an address is within a network, so the ipaddress package provides a couple of different functions to help with this workflow: `is_within()` and `is_within_any()`. We also provide `is_subnet()` and `is_supernet()` to test if a network is within another network. To see how these functions can be used in practice, let's consider a couple of IP networks: ```{r} my_networks <- tibble( network = ip_network(c("", "2001:db8::/32")), label = c("Private", "Documentation") ) my_networks ``` and a handful of addresses: ```{r} my_addresses <- tibble( address = ip_address(c("", "", "2001:db8::8a2e:370:7334", "::1")) ) ``` First, we'll check if each address is in _any_ of our networks. ```{r} my_addresses %>% mutate(in_network = is_within_any(address, my_networks$network)) ``` But what if we need to know _which_ of our networks the address was found in? We can do that using the excellent [fuzzyjoin](https://cran.r-project.org/package=fuzzyjoin) package together with the `is_within()` function. ```{r, eval=rlang::is_installed("fuzzyjoin")} my_addresses %>% fuzzyjoin::fuzzy_left_join(my_networks, c("address" = "network"), is_within) ``` ## Randomly generate public addresses ipaddress provides functions to sample from a specific network (`sample_network()`) or the entire address space (`sample_ipv4()` and `sample_ipv6()`). However, it can be more difficult to sample from the majority of address space, while excluding certain networks. A good example is sampling public IPv4 addresses. The simplest solution is to use an accept-reject algorithm -- sampling the entire IPv4 address space and rejecting addresses that are reserved. ```{r accept-reject} sample_public <- function(size) { result <- sample_ipv4(size) all_public <- FALSE while (!all_public) { public <- is_global(result) n_replace <- sum(!public) if (n_replace == 0) { all_public <- TRUE } else { result[!public] <- sample_ipv4(n_replace) } } result } ``` We now sample 10 addresses and make sure they are all public addresses. ```{r} tibble(address = sample_public(10)) %>% mutate(is_public = is_global(address)) ```